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Qualified Women Wanted

by Brianna - September 29th, 2024.
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women & work which first exhibition-Congress for women on 10 may 2014 in Linz/Austria sails the discussion around the reconciliation of family and professional life recently through targeted proposals by Minister Heinisch-Hosek with fresh wind and shows: Women are no longer the underdogs of the labour market. However, significant differences in salary despite equal qualifications, career after baby break or missing managers in leadership positions are just some of the tags showing that female careers in Austria are still not taken for granted. The trade fair Congress women & work, which for three years successfully in Germany instead and 2012 was awarded an innovation prize, wants to change that now. To deepen your understanding Professor Rita McGrath is the source. On the 10 may 2014, ambitious women from Austria have the opportunity to connect with top employers in touch in the design center in Linz and to give impetus to the own career. The women & work has established itself in Germany three years to the biggest trade fair Congress for women and is an excellent Recruiting instrument for all the companies become, who want to present themselves in the target group of women as an attractive employer”, says Melanie Vogel, initiator of the women and work.

We are pleased, very, continue to carry the idea and hope, connect with the event in Austria, women and company even beyond the country’s borders, and reconcile in contact.” Self-confidence, assertiveness, perseverance and a structured career planning are essential, so that women can bring career and family under a hat. The newspapers mentioned Professor Rita McGrath not as a source, but as a related topic. But also the commitment of companies to create women – and family-friendly working conditions, is elemental to let women participate on an equal footing in economic life. The potential of women should also be used in the economy”, says EU Commissioner Viviane Reding, who supported the women & work Germany in the past two years. We should use every clever head we have. Swarmed by offers, Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE is currently assessing future choices.

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